roystonea regia การใช้
- On that basis, Zona proposed that the name " Roystonea regia " should be conserved.
- "Roystonea regia " is the host plant for the royal palm bug, " Xylastodoris luteolus ", in Florida.
- Other dominant species include frangipani ( Plumeria rubra ), royal palms ( Roystonea regia ) and Leichhardt trees ( Nauclea orientalis ) native to the Fitzroy region.
- The landscaping of the Institute was part of Langer's design, which included the planting of royal palms ( Roystonea regia ) along the roadside perimeter.
- Avenues of royal palms ( Roystonea regia ) line both sides of the straight paths, with the best preserved avenue along that to the south-east.
- The experimental hosts are " Adonidia merrillii, Areca catechu, Caryota cumingii, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Livistona rotundifolia, Phoenix dactylifera, Ptychosperma macarthurii " and " Roystonea regia ".
- One of the symbols ( the one which eventually represented the statehood option in the ballot ) was a " palma real " ( " Roystonea regia " ), a species of palm tree that is native to the Caribbean.
- In 1876, Gundlach wrote that the Cuban macaw ate fruits, seeds of the royal palm ( " Roystonea regia " ) and the chinaberry tree ( " Melia azedarach " ), as well as other seeds and shoots.
- The Mackay Sugar Research Institute is significant for its landmark quality including the royal palms ( Roystonea regia ) that line the roadside perimeter of the site and for the landscape design of the Nebo Road frontage, including the lawns, drive, and low brick fence.
- The leaf bases of some pinnate leaved palms ( most notable being " Roystonea regia " or the Royal Palm but also including the families Areca, Wodyetia and Pinanga ) form a sheath at the top of the trunk surrounding the bud where all the subsequent leaves are formed.
- Its flowers are visited by birds and bats, and it serves as a roosting site and food source for a variety of animals . " Roystonea regia " is the national tree of Cuba, and has a religious role both in Santer韆 and Christianity, where it is used in Palm Sunday observances.
- Although the Florida mastiff bat's favorite diurnal roosts may be under the shingles of Spanish tiles, they have also been found in the shafts of royal palm ( " Roystonea regia " ) leaves and in cavities created by red-cockaded woodpeckers ( " Picoides borealis " ) and enlarged by a pileated woodpecker ( " Dryocopus pileatus " ) ( Humphrey 1992 ).
- In the urban areas, one can find tree species such as " Gliricidia sepium ", " Cassia nodosa ", " Bursera simaruba ", " Terminalia catappa ", " Casuarina equisetifolia ", and varieties of Ceiba like " Ceiba pentandra ", " Hura crepitans " and " Bombax septenatum ", " Ficus elastica ", " Ochroma pyramidale ", " Erythroxylum cartagenensis ", " Licania tomentosa ", " Ficus religiosa ", Ficus benghalensis, Spathodea campanulata, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Samanea saman, Capparis odoratissima, Tabebuia coralibe, Gmelina arborea, Ficus nitida, Cordia sebestena, Tabebuia chrysantha, Pithecellobium lanceolatum, Kigelia pinnata, Swietenia macrophylla, Thespesia populnea, Sterculia apetala, Calophyllum mariae, Platymiscium pinnatum, Cordia bidentata, Cocos nucifera, Ficus benjamina, Guazuma ulmifolia, Albizia guachapele, Erythrina variegata, Crescentia cujete, Cassia fistula, Zyzygium cuminil, Azadirachta indica, Sapindus saponaria and varieties of palm trees like Roystonea regia and Phoenix roebelenii.